Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Passive(rape)

‘No’, she cried, her arms gripping the air,
Her eyes, the embers of agony,
She cried.
The gasping mouth, sudden silenced,
A hand over it-
Pressing down!

She screamed,
Till she felt, lungs burst inside.
She hit; she kicked,
Bit into the hand,
That withheld her freedom!

A slap at her face, then another,
Till the strength to fight,
From her, was drained.
Damaged, torn,
Beneath the weight,
She lay!
To chill the spine,
Only a shiver of heartache!

Then at court, at the stand,
No empathy, at her, holds!
Only the critical eyes,
The media torture-
Of a woman who dared exposure,
Exposure of truth!
Abuse, scorn, trauma,
To shame the heartache turns.
She is the crucible!
Her esteem; no claim,
Her life…. her life?
They give her no life,
Only something like it!

Withdraws she,
From the court, from hope,
Her words, unspoken, unheard,
Her pain, unrealized,
Reaches out, none!
Stigma of a stinking society!

Sinking and sunken, she floats,
No seas hold her,
None seeks, none sees,
None looks for her!

Tell me, why this?
Division of gender,
Not born of genes,
Two sexes out of the wild,
One for home, one for hunt,
Thus separated duties!
They changed,
Evolution, the species maker,
Made the hunter strong,
Strong, so strong,
Such basic brutality-
He hunts his mate,
To devour her,
To crucify her,
To pluck out her blessing and
Throw it amongst garbage!


a word-crazed being said...

hi, i just thought i should say, i liked your poem a lot. See,i am not this poem-person, and i actually read your entire poem, which is saying something. It was brilliant.

R@ul $.$ said...

a wonderful poem..i never read such a meaningful and powerful poem like this!!keep it up dear!!

rahul(i m in ur friends list in orkut,..that is if u remember me!)

Unknown said...

This is the one I read before. Sadaf shared it with me.

May I request you to publish it in several places (both print and electronic)?